Well for now at least my illness' are at a low so I have plucked up what energy I have to present to you my recent work :-) still a game report to come but I have no energy for that and this is already going to be a HUGE post.
First up sculpt number 2 an angry Hispanic mama, not so tall but she
makes up for what she lacks in stature with aggression. This is not based
of anyone I have met (sort of).
A comparison with James.ep3 shows that she is much shorter than my first sculpt. I am simply going to call her the angry woman as I have no name for her just yet! |
I used tin/aluminium foil for the clothes and hair which is much better for fabric than trying to sculpt the due-kit. |
size comparison with a Caesar fig, looks like her husband came home a bit too late. |
Now it is time for some of those hero's and villains, first up a figure that is either a villain an agent for the government or a detective. here a villain with his guards he is in an alleyway when he comes across the husband of the angry woman. he forces him against the wall and gets ready to execute the lone man when on the other street some lone warriors hear the commotion! they would make great hero's, mercenaries, special forces and even guards, though they are a bit too heavily armed for that role.
after a harsh beating the man goes into an alley way only to find himself once again staring death in the face |
is this the end????? |
on the left we have a converted figure it's a Caesar special forces riot policeman with a knife, and the head is from the Esci NATO ground crew. On the left is another Caesar special forces fig, this one has the HK MX-8 which although not introduced into the US army in the beginning found it's way in later and also into the hands of many special forces and rich contractors and mercenaries. |
spot the sight? nearly all pictures do not show it but finally one did :-) |
they are about to go around the corner will they be spotted??? with they save the mans life? |
the story will have to be finished another time perhaps |
here is the guys all lined up, that man still fears for his life. |
the detective/ evil villain/ agent with his guards in black. |
Next up the ground crew's and NBC teams of the Rebels and the nationals. first up the rebels which have 1 repainted NBC soldier and a newly painted NBC ground crew overseer. then it comes to the nationals which have a large selection of repainted soldiers and ground crew with a trio of new comers to the group.
these two are up to no good, lets hope that their scheming can be stopped! |
a sound comes from near by and startles them! |
I know it is a dark shot but in this one it is easier to make out the writing on the board. |
the street is full of activity |
work is carried out on the tank while dogs patrol the area they know that those rebels are close! |
behind the guards the team is hard at work fixing up the bearing for the turret |
the newly painted figures use the much more detailed version of Oronegrean camo. |
while the repaints have the blotchy version |
The problem with my dad's camera is the focus :-( why does it always focus on the thing that is obviously not what I am trying to photograph. |
a better shot of the tank, really shows how big this beast is! |
the New guys |
the repaints |
and the rebels |
All together now!
there you guys go hope your all feeling well even if I am not. now just to put this on the forums... Doh!!!! |
Well an AAR to come from a game where I and a friend versed some rebels controlled also by myself. I am making a special forces cavalry man as we speak along with general painting. and now onto the followers
Welcome to
Anne O'Leary she has a wonderful blog, sense of humour and seems to keep the squabbling children Ray and Fran in order. take a look at her blog
Anne's Attic well worth a look
Greetings to
Steve (Steve's wargaming stuff) from you guessed it
Steve's wargaming stuff the only problem is that the link appears not to work or the blog no-longer exists, is it gone or have I got the wrong link.
hello to
Kerem from
Linen and wood,
miniafv and
Plastic soldier.
That brings me to 51 followers so unfortunately I was not able to make the big 50 followers post in time but hey 51 is still an achievement :-)
lets hope this secondary infection clears soon guys so then I can get back to posting on a more regular basis. Coming up is my sisters birthday so lets hope that I am better for that.