Sunday 29 March 2020

Special Forces/Mercenaries 4: Oronegrean Sniper Team

Okay, okay, okay three posts in as many days!? This is basically unheard of in terms of my output but here we are. Today I have a little game to go with these miniatures. One is for the most part painted painted by Emmett (Winttrix) the other was completely painted by yours truly. Can you tell which is which, is it the sniper that's my work? or is it the spotter? Let's see who gets it.

A sniper pair cover the VIP vehicle, by standing on it. One of my flatmates' cars, don't tell them my camera may have bumped on it.

Rear shot, they look very similar don't they, are they really painted by different people?
So on with the individual pictures, starting with the marksman himself. Armed with an M21 (M14 derivative) and a pistol. I like the post, despite being very common. Detail on the face is reasonable, despite being mostly obscured by the optic. However, do I like this post because this is the miniature I painted?

Nice sunny day, typical Auckland weather though a hail storm passed through not long after.

A pretty nondescript flag patch, making this figure suitable for many uses.

I think it's the camera compressing distance but that back looks very uncomfortable in this shot. Doesn't look so nasty in reality.

Not the best shot but the rusted can was a nice touch. Note that I did the base work for both to an extent.
Now with the support member of the team/spotter. An integral part of the team, though they don't get films made about them. The pose is quite nice although not the most exciting. Certainly not flat though which is quite good. Again good detail on the face including the headset with microphone. Although did I paint those details?

This particular miniature seemed to most dislike the prospect of being photographed. Camera did not like to focus.

Case in point. Sorry only noticed how out of focus it was now that I uploaded it. 

Image may contain: one or more people
Oddly I feel that both these figures are best viewed from behind, the webbing is visible and the shadow effects and details are easily seen.

Again with the indistinct flag patch, so multi-use figures. Something I might try and do with more figures in the future.
So that's all for now can you tell which is my work and which is (mostly) Emmett's? Or have I by leading you on a wild goose chase? Once more the figures are Elhiem, these are from their modern US range, representing Delta Force snipers and support during the 1990s. So dated now but still very much usable for Oronegro.

Well good luck guessing the truth behind these figures. I promise that I will not post more figures tomorrow I am doing my best to space out these posts. So until the next one I wish you all a good day/night.

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