Saturday, 22 September 2012

Outdoors game part3 Turns 4-6

With the catastrophe of those turns before behind them the National troops advance hoping to still achieve their goal, it will be hard though and they have lost quite a few men.

Turn4 This turn saw the battle start to go the way of the national troops again, but still the battle was not won and the rebels still showed their strength. losses were very one sided as the national forces went to cover and shot back from well protected areas, the rebels on the other hand were overconfident after their recent success losing many troops, while only causing one national soldier to be injured, and he was luckily to be right next to the medic at the time.
the remains of the 3rd and 4th team, moral fading run to the bunker, the medic and centurion join them.

the 1st and second teams run to the house where James.ep3 is positioned, they are joined by a medic which will prove useful later on

the Rebel attending to his comrade drags him under fire to the bunker, they are joined by another rebel soldier from outside.

the injured rebel recovers and helps to re aim the gun at the house

but with only 2 left the rebel LMGs are still a force to be reckoned with

they have a good line of sight strait to the gun

killing the 2 crew and the LMG in front

the team by the house joins in the fire fight again

taking out rebels at the front of the camp

the emplacement gunners fire in response wounding a soldier by the medic, who immediately attends to him

James.ep3 gives them some lead presents, not the type we all want :-(

the rebel commander is in distress and falls over, the bunker is the last bastion they hold
Turn5 this saw the rebels lose their last foothold outside, and the national forces advance! 2 rebel dead and no casualties to the national forces!

these 2 are the last rebels outside, they are unable to be killed by the LMG's and are unseen from the house

However the first team runs to the fence by the house, they have clear line of sight to the last rebels outside the bunker

the second team moves up in support

while the medic and another soldier attend to the injured soldier, he is shot in the shoulder and they have stopped the bleeding, he'll be good soon.

while the injured soldier from team3 and the other from team 4 come out of hiding and move to cover the soldiers they also open fire on the remaining rebels

who fall to a swarm of bullets from all sides.
Turn6 was the final move, the sound of jets in the distance were heard by all the next turn would see their action but would they be needed??? well no but their very sound scared the rebels to the core

the national forces all charge the bunker!

the shoot at the only resistance they face which is limited

feeling better the injured soldier  is able to walk and along with James.ep3, his friend and the medic watch the final moments of the battle

even the scared men from the trench come to provide cover for what could be a blood bath

there are still 3 rebels ready for a fight and the other run back leaving them to protect them

but the speed of the national attack is too fast catching the 3 unawares, killing them the battle is won!
 the aftermath... well the jets are told to go home, the battle is won, the national forces encircle the entrance to the bunker and the remaining rebels give up. It's been a hard fought battle by both sides.
the situation for the rebels is hopeless, the come out of the bunker and are greeted by a wall of angry dirty and tired soldiers

alert to any suspicious moves these men are not about to let the rebels have one last fight for victory.

but the rebels know that any attempt at a counter attack now is pointless, they give up without a fight.
the results. well it was a good game I must say, hard fought on my part even if I was only fighting myself.
National forces had 11 soldiers out of 20 remaining, with their 2 medics and 2 LMG's and also their centurion and of coarse James.ep3
the rebels had 4 people left and their commander, hard to think that they outnumbered the national forces to begin with.

Well the road is cleared ahead of the campaign in the mountains let us hope that the campaign is slightly less bloody than this battle.

Outdoors game part2 turns 1-3

in the last post I went over the build up for the game, now it is time for the real action!

Turn 1 I decided before the game to give the National forces the advantage of going first, OK I am playing them and it is a solo play game but experience tells me that these rules I am using... modified Warzone - modern combat rules... cause major carnage to both sides even mine as a Solo player.

this turn saw the national troops run from the trench with minimal losses 2 dead and one injured, caused by rebel LMG fire from the camp and the emplacement, in turn the rebels lost 4 men 3 from the patrol and one in the camp.
let us take a moment to remember these guys... they are right next too...

the advancing nationals who immediately get them by surprise and kill 3 of them

the big gun comes under National LGM fire but the shield protects the soldiers near it and only a rifle man is killed

coming out into the open was the most dangerous activity for my forces as was proved later on

the remaining members of the scouting team surrender and are escorted off the battlefield by 2 national soldiers
turn2 Turn 2 saw the rebels struggle to get to grips with the surprise attack and deal with the loss of the scouting team, the national forces on the other hand got ready to launch an all out attack, sending the first team to some scrub under covering fire and a medic to attend to the injured soldier.

from above the national forces can be seen moving up the trench out across to some scrub, the patrol can be seen dead on the ground and the surrendered ones watched by an eagle eyed soldier.

the Rebels run to their frontal positions and 2 of them jump onto the gun but are unable to move it due to the heavy fire from across the road.

the general and his guards go into the bunker entrance for cover as bullets wiz over head.

the first team runs to some scrub and fires at the emplacement

one sharp eyed soldier from the team kills one of the 3 on the emplacement revenge for the death of their brother in arms

more national fire takes out rebels who are not in cover 4 are dead and the LMG (left) is injured

the remaining guys on the emplacement fight back

2 national soldiers are killed and another injures, the other medic comes to his aid.

James.ep3 lines up ready to make his presence known, well action felt but his location unknown.

another rebel falls to one of his shots, his body almost falls into the bunker
Turn3 This turn saw the tide of battle turn and an all out fight for survival by both sides. The initial initiative held by the national forces was lost and they paid dearly for it. things got so bad that they asked for an air srtike. but it also saw the medic achieve his goal of stabilising a soldier who was then able to fight on, he had no choice the battle was to fierce! the losses of this turn were, 3 rebels one an SMG who was sorely lost and 5 national troops and more injuries for the medics to attend to.

with the battle ragging on the 4th team and a medic went to support the LMG team in covering the advance of the other troops

one rebel soldier tends to his injured comrade dodging bullets and helping to heal a badly bleeding arm. Sticks mark the injured soldiers ;-)

the Rebels are pissed off the gun is aimed, much to the shock of the LMG below who was made deaf, but he is unable to complain now! as events will show.

the LGM's carry on firing hoping that the gun will miss.

they manage to kill one by the gun but

and some more behind the defences

the arm is wrapped up but this is not position to be in... James. ep3 shoots.... but misses :-(

the Rebels have some fun taking out 1 LMG and 3 other soldiers wounding another.

even the scrub does not provide cover and a fifth soldier falls.
The big Gun then fires but misses, which is the only real bit of luck for the national force this tun, NEXT POST!!!! I will include the conclusion to the fight and show you how the Battle ends just before that air-strike arrives! stay alert for more :-)