Saturday, 23 November 2019

A preview. Unclear images

Usually when the lighting is so bad that I get images like these I just discard the photos. However, in this case I want to keep you guessing as to what it is I am doing. So here's some very grainy photos of what I am currently working on. These should be done in the next couple weeks (I am not setting myself an even more ambitious target, too busy atm). So I will move straight onto the photos.

This one here is the only one so far completed. Behind you can see the others, in various stages of completion.

Any guesses on what this is? I think this view gives it away more so.
Now, there will be points! I will be granting points for the following:
  • Correct guesses of the troop type.
  • Correct guesses of the manufacturer.
  • Double points for guessing the correct set this is from.
  • Creative ideas for the purpose of these troops!
So get your submissions in and earn yourself some points. What are the points for? I have no idea. Surely the point of points is just to earn them. Why would you want anything for points? I might think of a reward but otherwise just enjoy having the most points. I hope you have enjoyed this post and I look forward to adding more in the near future...... May have been a few hits in this post itself.

Saturday, 16 November 2019

The end of an era. The start of another.

Well my consistent post a week streak fell apart. This is the first post in three weeks and it isn't even about models. Not that I have anything to show you yet. However, there's a very good reason for that. As many of you are aware I have spent the last six years at university. Well last Wednesday I handed in my dissertation. The final piece of coursework to be submitted and all going well the last thing I need to get my degree.

Yes this is me. I think I have shown pictures of myself here before, many, many years ago.
Understandably those final weeks were all go so I haven't had much time to sit down and paint models. Have had time to buy them though and there was there was of course quite the splurge in celebration of handing in my dissertation! So there is certainly no shortage of models to paint for the foreseeable future.

So one era of my life has come to the end, provided I pass of which I am quite confident. A new era begins. I have already got a job in the field for which I have studied and tomorrow I begin full time employment. There's a good work/home separation. Which I hope means that the free time I do have can be dedicated to hobbies and other good things.

Thank you all who have kept following me all these years. My time at university has meant that I have posted very infrequently. I hope to change things now. Here's to a new era and all the excitement, turmoil and adventure it brings, especially in the miniature way. A great day/night to you all. I promise to at least post a sneaky preview of what I am working on, before the end of next week. ;-)