Well perhaps I didn't get this out nearly as quickly as I thought I did. Although being shut indoors due to a lock-down sure does give one time to actually paint miniatures. So on with the pics, I shall explain on the way.
Another fire-team of four, this time all painted from scratch. Let me know what you think. |
So these are more Elhiem figures, expect lots of Elhiem figures in the future too. Got quite the stockpile. So yes expect more in the not too distant future. Less distant than this post for sure. I can be more confident in the statement this time what with the lock-down to last 3 weeks and little in the way of work to do.
The photos were taken at two different times of day (camera ran out of batteries.) sadly lighting wasn't ideal in either so I included both sets. First up we have a bare-headed fighter. Her outstretched left arm looks odd and a bit uncomfortable. Overall though I like this figure.
So this time around I actually did some research on camouflage patterns. I have tried to imitate modern multi-terrain patterns on three of the figures. |
Can you spot the hair-tie? Made it blue to hark back to Oronegro's old colours (you'll see this quite a bit actually). |
Next up is the figure with the blue bandanna, by far my favourite pose! Also the figure with which I think I most closely matched the British Multi Terrain Pattern (MTP), I really do quite like it and, as it is supposed to, it works with many different terrains. In the case of these figures I have done a simple arid/desert base for, well, simplicity. Also if I hadn't said this is my favourite figure you'd probably tell by the number of photos.
I feel that Elhiem excels with poses like this one, where the figure is just about to take a step. I have found with previous figures of theirs that these are often the best ones. |
Sadly this is the best photo of the back which is a shame as the body armour carrier got a different camouflage pattern. |
I really should have done something about that spec of hair, looks like she has a whisper thin moustache. |
Also a friend complemented me on the boulders (stones picked up from the driveway) what do you think of them? |
A picture from earlier in the day, not the best but some of the colours are more clearly seen. |
So next up is my least favourite of the figures. A very awkward looking pose and the sculpting of the face was just plain ugly. There are worst figures out there to be sure, however this one really does let down what is overall and excellent set. The only figure in the set with a helmet though so while ugly the figure at least appreciates safety.
Quite a long rifle, took the opportunity to do a mismatching stock. I feel like I missed the opportunity to do more with this set. |
Quite fuzzy I am afraid but the colours are still clear enough. As is that rather awkward arm. |
Something I appreciate about these figures is the non-uniform appearance. Mixing and matching clothing and gear creates an interesting appearance. |
Better picture from the rear, again I was trying to do the MTP camouflage. I think I overdid the white elements and it is a little too green. |
The final figure, with which I really went ahead and tried to recreate the old Oronegrean colours, is another pose I really like. Perhaps the bright red hat is a mistake, unless you ascribe to the "so overt it's covert" philosophy. The trousers are the stand out point for me. Simple olive drab with wash for shading. I really like how they turned out.
Photo is relatively clear but the figure is too far away. |
Figure is nice and close but not so clear, argh, it was about this time I got the low battery warning AGAIN. |
Very fuzzy photo, my apologies. |
From the side, again good sculpting, nice sense of movement. |
These final photos were the group ones I took earlier in the day. The sun had yet to clear the volcano on which my house is built so they were in shadow. Although when I took the later photos the sun was quite strong which didn't help either. Ah well might take more photos indoors if that helps.
The team assembled in the early morning light, going out on a patrol in the quarantined city. |
They spot something off to their left and respond. What will happen next? |
So that's all for today. I hope you have liked these figures. I like to think of them as successors to
Las Minvervas who were an elite unit up until they were disbanded in the late 19th century (having fought on the losing side of the Oronegrean Independence/Civil War). Might try get more women operators in future to bring them up to a squad level.
I hope that all of you are safe and sound during these difficult times. I wish you and yours all the best and I will see you next time. Until then have a good day/night.